P&C Membership 2024

P&C Membership 2024


A $2 coin donation towards membership fees for 2024 annual membership. Aligning with the Federation of Parents and Citizens Association of New South Wales rules, LPPS P&C Membership must be current and valid ahead of an AGM meeting where LPPS P&C Members will have voting rights and the right to hold formal office. If you are not a financial member of the P&C you are only an observer at our P&C meetings, until you join. We will be delighted to accept new memberships to our P&C throughout the year.

You can pay for up to 2 P&C memberships in each transaction.

Please complete the additional membership contact information on this page below the Social Media Links, before check out via the cart - many thanks.

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P&C Membership Information Form

Please fill in the following information to be included in our AGM reporting which confirms your ability to vote and hold office. It also helps us keep in touch with you regarding P&C activities.