Meet our P&C members who manage (somehow) to squeeze a little more out of life by volunteering their time to help with the P&C. Responsibilities included organising extra-curricular activities, fundraising events, applying for grants, and running the uniform shop.
Many hands make light work, so if you’d like to help, please use the CONTACT US page to get in touch, or alternatively come along to our P&C meetings which are held on the first Wednesday of every month during school term.
You can also CLICK HERE to become a member of our LPPS P&C with voting rights according to the Federation of Parents & Citizens Association of NSW guidance. Here’s more information about our current P&C members and officer holders:
Laura Chilton | PRESIDENT (2022, 2023)
Laura and her family moved to Australia from Hawaii as her eldest commenced Kindergarten at our school. Laura is not only our 2023 President, but also a qualified teacher and works as a Defence Families liaison officer in the education department. To contact Laura, phone the school or email the P&C at laperousepandc@gmail.com
Tanya michel | VICE PRESIDENT (2022, 2023)
Tanya and Nick have their children Oscar and Ayla in Year 2 and Kindergarten at school. Tanya has helped the P&C over the last couple of years and has stepped into the role of VP.
Julie bajic | SECRETARY (2023)
Julie joined the P&C in 2023. This was the year her daughter started in Kindergarten. Julie has a passion for our school chickens, and currently manages the supply of our eggs to the community.
Sep brown | TREASURER (2023)
Sep joined the LaPa school community in 2022 when her daugher Chloe started Kindergarten, She also has a son Mack joining in 2024. We are so grateful for Sep’s work on the treasurer role, and Sep was instrumental in getting our Dance with Miss Rachael group up and running.
Caz’s family joined our school community in 2022 with her son starting Kindergarten. We are grateful to all that Caz does to assist the school P&C.
JULIE BALL | UNIFORM Shop Coordinator
Julie’s daughter Jasmine joined the school in 2019’s Kindergarten Class. She works a 9 day fortnight in the CBD. Jasmine’s sister Zoe joins her at big school in 2021 and can’t wait.
Dianne joined the LPPS P&C community ahead of her grandchildren enrolling in our school. Dianne was one of the instrumental volunteers involved in the organisation of the 150th Celebrations. We are grateful to Dianne and her family who support the P&C efforts and our school’s terrific spirit.
2022 P&C Office Holders: President - Laura Chilton | Vice President - Tanya Michel & Steve Fiorio | Secretary - Jayde Fiorio | Treasurer - Friederike Berger | Events, Publicity & Fundraising - Caz Hoad | Uniform Shop - Julie Ball | History Committee - Dianne Ingrey.
Principal - Lisa Haller
2021 P&C Office Holders: President - Colin Smith | Vice President - Amy Weidlich | Secretary - Jayde Fiorio | Treasurer - Friederike Berger | Events Committee - Elizabeth Ryan, Megan Shirk | Uniform Shop - Julie Ball, Erin Smith, Sarah Kendrick | History Committee - Dianne Ingrey | Social Media/Comms - Elissar Mukhtar.
Principal - Lisa Haller
2020 P&C Office Holders: President - Colin Smith | Vice President - Amy Weidlich | Secretary - Jayde Fiorio | Treasurer - Friederike Berger | Uniform Shop - Julie Ball, Erin Smith | Events Committee - Elizabeth Ryan, Megan Shirk | Social Media/Comms - Elissar Mukhtar.
Principal - Lisa Haller
2019 P&C Office Holders: President - Colin Smith | Vice President - Amy Weidlich | Secretary - Fiona McKinnon | Treasurers - Nathalia Habachy, Craig Noble, Elizabeth Ryan | School Uniform - Julie Ball | Volunteer - Renee Foster | Social Media - Julia Long, Elissar Mukhtar | Events - Oliver Slobedesky.
Principal - Lisa Haller
2018 Establishing of Incorporated LPPS P&C Assn & 150th Anniversary Celebrations: President - Natalie Jackson | Vice President - Sarah Williams | Secretary - Elizabeth Ryan | 150th Celebration Committee - Elizabeth Ryan, Julie Ball, Natalie Jackson, Renee Foster, Aunty Dianne Ingrey, Amy Weidlich, Aunty Joyce Timbery | History Hall - Oliver Weidlich | Entertainment & Fundraising - Oliver Slobedesky.
Principal - Matt Jackman